Robust Power Loss Protection

Unexpected power loss has been a critical issue in the storage industry, regardless of SSD or HDD, in terms of data loss.In most SSD devices, DRAM memory is usually used to reduce the performance gap between host interface and NAND flash memory.

The SSD device uses a flushing process to store buffer data from DRAM memory into NAND flash memory, completely storing the data sent by host.
However, because DRAM memory is volatile and cannot hold data without an external power supply, there is a possibility of losing cached data during the flushing process when an unexpected power loss incident occurs.
Preventing data loss when encountering sudden power loss is an important topic in the SSD industry, and FLEXXON’s hardware power loss protection mechanism is the solution to preserve data in the event of unexpected power loss.

Please, click here to have a focus on how FLEXXON combats data loss in SSD.

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